Monday, February 23, 2009

Orcs & Elves RPG

Explore an ancient Dwarven citadel riddled with legendary beasts and untold treasures. Wield flaming swords, deadly crossbows and other mystical weapons. Use your wits to solve devious puzzles and overcome deadly traps. Equip yourself with arcane gear like magic potions, enchanted rings, dragon scale armor and a magical, talking wand. Escape to a place of adventure, mystery and sorcery with Orcs & Elves, the new first-person adventure from id Software and Fountainhead Entertainment, the creators of DOOM RPG!

Features may vary by handset:

* Original Story: Explore a massive Dwarven citadel with the help of your talking wand to take on an evil witch and her army of dark minions.
* Hybrid Game-play: First-person action meets tactical RPG.
* Epic Odyssey: Explore huge locations like a dragon?s lair and mysterious catacombs.
* Bag of Tricks: Wield 11 mystical weapons including swords, crossbows and magical artifacts.
* Legendary Beasts: Take on over 35 vicious enemies with unique A.I. Including trolls, dark elves and the undead.
* Persistent World: Save anywhere feature allows you to resume the action from where you left off in a world that remembers your actions.
* The next generation DOOM RPG engine featuring higher graphic fidelity and an original audio score.
* Over 5 Hours of feature rich game-play.
* Replayability with tons of secrets and an end-game ranking based on your performance.

Compatible Mobile

  • For Nokia S60v3 Mobile
Screen Resolution 176X208
Type : Nokia N91, 3250

Screen Resolution 240x320
Type : Nokia N73, N75, N76, N77, N81, N82, N93, N93i, N92, N96, E50, E51, E65, 5700, 6110, 6120, 6121, 6290, 6500

File : Jar
Orcs and Elves RPG game at Now

  • For Sony Ericsson Mobile
Screen Resolution : 176x220
Type : Sony Ericsson K608i, K600i, K700, k600c, W800i, W800, Z550i, Z800, Z550, K610im, K608, W600i, K700i, W700, k700c, Z800i, K750, K610i, W710i, Z710, Z710i, W600, W800c, K750i, W810i, K750c, Z1010, K600, W710, W810, K610

Screen Resolution : 240x320
Type : Sony Ericsson K790, w900i, W850, W880, W850i, W950i, K800i, W880i, K800, W900, S700c, M600i

File : Jar
Orcs and Elves RPG game at Now

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There is 51 comments to “Orcs & Elves RPG”
aalil Belajar SEO said...
at date 

ane blm pernah maen game ini neh di PS... thanks info nya sob... ane cari yg buat PS ah...hehehe

RiP666 said...
at date 

weleh...kok mirip doom ya hehehe

Yora said...
at date 

wow, keren guys, bisa buat hiburan baru nich, hehehe

Anonymous said...
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wah....makin oke aja neh Blognya....Selamet2...nice Job yah.....apa kabarnya ? ditunggu mampir2nya yah....

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at date 

mampir Neh
Liat-liat dulu....
Situsnya bagus nih!
apalagi artikelnya, menarik banget!

Aqiqah said...
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mampir ah.. kenalan.. sambil berharap dapat ilmu dan backlink:D

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Blognya keren banget bro….
Gila trafficnya juga rame banget…

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Salam...blognyha keren mas:)

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salam kenal mas

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info yg menarik

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ogenki desuka

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